
Panayotis Antoniadis, nethood, Zürich 

Community Servers: Bringing Community Networks to the Ground

As digital and physical space become more and more intertwined, 
commoning strategies in these domains require collaborations across 
different disciplines and fields of action. This methodology builds on a 
specific case study developing local applications for a community 
network in rural Greece and identifies four key processes on community 
building, digital space, physical space, and project management run by 
teams with different backgrounds and expertise.  It proposes the 
visualization of selected threads of actions along these different 
processes on a “project score”, which evokes an analogy with a music 
score. Members of the different teams are encouraged to regularly mark 
their past and planned actions on the score and reflect on their 
relationships and interdependencies trying to develop a common 
understanding and language, similarly to a jazz improvisation. The 
booklet includes a set of “methodkit” cards representing a possible set 
of threads of action for each process as a starting point, and examples 
of suggested actions for each thread based on the experience from this 
specific case study. A collaborative online environment for documenting 
experiences in different case studies is under construction at 

#6 Nethood Methodology Booklet