Decentralized Autonomous Organisation With Others (DAOWO) is the second wave of global art world restructuring against the toxic cult of the individual-artistic genius. This action first found expression in the punk spirit of networked collaboration called DIWO (Do It With Others). The DAOWO Open Score is an experimental framework for nurturing the artworld commons after Web3.0 at the intersection of three fields of practice: art, commoning and decentralization engineering.
The score template is used to notate the patterns and rhythms of artistic collaboration, resourcing, and dissemination. Other local and distributed communities-of-players can then repeat and improve upon art works, actions and organizations across distance, difference and time. The ultimate aim of DAOWO is to increase the resilience and resourcefulness of connected communities with an increased sense of: agency, imagination and alliances.
]]>A Sticker Zine
Stefanie Wuschitz has been part of the collective Mz* Baltazar’s Laboratory since 2009 and is researching feminist hacking as a critical practice. The zine ‘How To Be a Feminist Hacker’ visualizes the metamorphosis of the feminist hacker and the foundation of a clan or collective. Parts of the drawings are stickers that can be removed with the intention of giving these sticky zine elements the chance of a second life on various laptops, walls, posts or trash cans.
]]>GRIDr [] is an open online platform for creating video grids. The platform is an idea born from of the exhibition “3 hours in one second†in which it was given to artists, scientists and curators who deal with the web 2.0 phenomena, to select youtube videos and to illustrate their position by arranging them as a composition in a 2×2, 3×3 or 4×4 video grid. Jonas Lund was programming then the platform, which is now open for every one to use. Sakrowski explains in his video the history and usage of GRIDr in a typical HOW TO youtube video style.
]]>“The good enough institution can recognize its mistakes, analyze them and correct them. It also knows how to recognize its limits and accept them, as best they can … It is that to be able to work below the ideal of the model.â€[1]
Since 2015, I am acting as the director of an institution (currently an art school), and I am collaborating with a systemic psychologist to apply the principles of institutional psychotherapy in my work. In this context, my colleagues, the psychologist and I have drawn various schemes and diagrams to understand the balance, the compromises, the limits, we have to accept, to negotiate, to experience in order to work collectively and with care in the framework of an institution and maybe achieve a good enough direction position.
I am sharing these drawings and questions.
[1] Philippe Kinoo, “Autorités, pouvoirs, décisions, responsabilités dans une institutionâ€, in: Qu’est-ce qui fait autorité dans les institutions médico-sociales ?, érès, 2007
]]>This score rethinks the concept of the commons in a counterintuitive fashion. If we conceive of boxing not as a concept of masculinity and violence or the survival of the fittest, but as a moment of intense negotiation of border space, contagion and border linking, then it might serve as a technique to unlearn the building blocks of possessive individualism and the figure of the “proper.â€
Through our life-long training as possessive individualists we have learned to see and protect ourselves as “proper†subjects. That what is mine, what belongs to me: my identity, my ethnicity, my land, demands protection. Each of these spheres turn into a form of property that must be immunized from external appropriation and alterity through the erection of boundaries and exclusionary mechanisms.
But if we understand community not as a common essence or a shared property, then as Roberto Esposito suggests, the common is not characterized by what is proper but by what is improper. Or even more drastically, it is characterized by the other, by a voiding. This removing what is properly one’s own inverts and decenters the proprietary subject, forcing him/her/them to take leave of themselves, to alter themselves. (Communitas, 2010)
Reading Esposito and Bracha Ettinger (The Matrixial Borderspace, 2006) were helpful to understand why the boxing training for self-defining women organized by AND at Marabouparken Konsthall in Stockholm (2018), was such an exhilarating, demanding and troubling experience. 
Boxing is a moment of “border swerving, border linking and border spacing†(Ettinger), rendering permeable the borderlines of our “proper” subjects. As a nonverbal, bodily dialogue it transgresses the very borderlines that we elsewhere seek to protect. During sparring I deliberately forgo this established immunity – my contours become vulnerable through the mutuality of the touch: My fist touches and is being touched at the same time.