
Laurence Rassel, École de Recherche Graphique, Brussels.

Good enough.

“The good enough institution can recognize its mistakes, analyze them and correct them. It also knows how to recognize its limits and accept them, as best they can … It is that to be able to work below the ideal of the model.”[1]

Since 2015, I am acting as the director of an institution (currently an art school), and I am collaborating with a systemic psychologist to apply the principles of institutional psychotherapy in my work. In this context, my colleagues, the psychologist and I have drawn various schemes and diagrams to understand the balance, the compromises, the limits, we have to accept, to negotiate, to experience in order to work collectively and with care in the framework of an institution and maybe achieve a good enough direction position.

I am sharing these drawings and questions.

[1]    Philippe Kinoo, “Autorités, pouvoirs, décisions, responsabilités dans une institution”, in: Qu’est-ce qui fait autorité dans les institutions médico-sociales ?, érès, 2007

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