Find the File, Festival, 21-24 March 2019
Berlin, Haus der Kulturen der Welt
The research project Creating Commons (Felix Stalder, Cornelia Sollfrank, Shusha Niederberger), based at the Zurich University of the Arts, is invited to present first results of its research as part of the festival Find the File. The festival is a discursive music festival that explores questions about collecting and archiving music, in discussions, concerts, and installations. It is about what new possibilities and challenges have arisen for archives with the digital, and how new forms of knowledge can develop through the collecting activities of ‘amateurs’. Last but not least, questions of accessibility will also be addressed.
Creating Commons is involved with two contributions:
1) Artistic Shadow Libraries, Video installation,
Creating Commons,
For the entire duration of the festivals in the foyer of the HKW
The interview montages show artists who create web archives as aesthetic commons practices: the art wiki
2) Enter and
Discussion Sunday, 24 March 2019, 17:00
Guests: Diane Thram (
Archives and collections are increasingly making an effort to not only document the past but also to make their stock of material available for people to revive and experience, for the purposes of artistic- and knowledge creation. However, granting access to archival material implicates many legally and historically sensitive issues: What sort of tasks, what responsibilities do archives as well as archive-remixers have regarding provenance research, participation
Creating Commons https://creatingcommons.zhdk.ch
Find the File Programm: https://www.hkw.de/en/programm/projekte/2019/find_the_file/find_the_file_start.php
Installation Artistic Shadow Libraries: https://www.hkw.de/en/programm/projekte/veranstaltung/p_149235.php